Sundays at 11:15 a.m., in-person or on Zoom. Sundays feature games, large-group teaching, and reflection on what we're learning.
Sundays at 11:15 a.m.
On Sundays, we meet for worship and large-group teaching with small-group discussion.
All students start in the Student Auditorium (big room at the end of the north hallway in the main building) for a game and announcements. Then, we split into Middle School (grades 6-8) and High School (grades 9-12) groups for teaching tailored to each age group. Students are dismissed at the end of the worship service.
What We're Talking About
In a video game, you expect to face challenges and make mistakes, but there's always a way out. If things get too difficult, you can just turn it off and start over. In real life, it's not so easy for us to recover from mistakes or start over when we face challenges, but Jesus gives us a chance to restart — no matter how difficult our circumstances.
In this 4-week series from the Old and New Testaments, we'll look at a few people who needed God's help to give them a restart. From their stories, we'll discover four promises from God we can trust: when you feel like a failure, God helps you restart, and at times in your life, when you feel overwhelmed, God takes care of you. If you ever feel stuck, God gives you guidance, and when you feel unwanted, God says you belong.